
Clipboard : Looking Ahead

Though not as optimistic as they were last summer, when the recession began to bite,Orange County residents retain a basically upbeat outlook for the future. A 52%majority believe they will be better off a year from now than they are today. Fewer than one resident in 10, 8%, foresees declining circumstances.

This question was asked: “Looking ahead, do you think that a year from now you (and your family) will be better off or worse off, or just about the same as now?” Here are the resultsfrom July/August compared to November/December, 1990. July/August Better off: 57% Same: 31% Worse off: 8% Don’t know: 4% November/December Better off: 52% Same: 35% Worse off: 8% Don’t know: 5% Source: Consumer Trend Analysis, Los Angeles Times Marketing Research Department
