
Weekend Heat Prompts Locals to Hit the Beach


Cyclists skimmed along bike paths, surfers snatched up their boards and sunbathers soaked up the midwinter, 80-degree sunshine Sunday as thousands of Southland residents headed for local beaches.

“We’ve got a huge crowd for the middle of February,” said Greg Lee, a senior lifeguard at Manhattan Beach. “It’s just a gorgeous day. It’s perfect.”

The sixth weekend of the year found temperatures inland near or above the 80-degree mark, pulling thousands of area residents from their homes to the sands, where readings were in the low to mid-70s.


Officials estimated crowds at South Bay beaches stretching from Playa del Rey to Hermosa at more than 50,000. “Everyone’s in summer clothes and getting suntans. It’s great,” Lee said.

“It’s an extra nice day for February,” said Jim Doman, a senior lifeguard at Zuma Beach. “We do have a fairly large crowd (estimated at 20,000), but we’re not maxed out by any means.”

Sunday’s weather did cause a few problems. Lifeguards at local beaches reported rescuing swimmers who were fooled by the summer temperatures and forgot about choppy winter waters.


At the Los Angeles Civic Center, the mercury peaked at 80 degrees--far off the record mark of 88 set in 1988.
