
The Day in the Gulf

CHENEY, POWELL ARRIVE: Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and Gen. Colin L. Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived in western Saudi Arabia as they began a quick trip to assess the progress of the war and prepare advice for President Bush on moving into the ground phase of the campaign. Cheney told U.S. airmen and women that they are part of history’s most successful air campaign. But he also said that amphibious and ground assaults are needed.

KILLING PUNISHMENT: Iraq has organized “execution battalions” to punish soldiers attempting to desert on the battlefield, said the Saudi military commander. He said the information came from Iraqi prisoners of war.

NEW SCUD ATTACK: An Iraqi missile landed in Israel in the 11th attack since the Gulf War started. Explosions were heard in the Tel Aviv area. Army spokesmen said that at least 20 people were hurt, none seriously.


THE AIR CAMPAIGN: Allied bombers demolished a major communications center in Baghdad and completed the destruction of a key bridge across the Tigris River. An Iraqi newspaper, meanwhile, reported that the relentless allied air raids in Iraq caused many miscarriages and premature births.

DISPUTE WITH JORDAN: King Hussein is so angry over U.S. treatment of Jordan that he is considering cutting ties with Washington, a high-ranking palace official said. A chief aide denied the report. The White House denounced Hussein for declaring “allegiance to Iraq” in an address this week.

DESALINATION PLANT SHUT: In the first apparent industrial fallout from the giant oil slick drifting down the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia was forced to close a water desalination plant on its northeast coast as a precaution.
