
All Sides Support the GIs, but the War?

This is to commend Susan Christian for the objective article, “Born to Buck the Tide .

I hope this letter publicly shows support for the inspirational efforts of Jeanie Bernstein. Ms. Bernstein is that American (whom) President George Bush alluded to in his State of the Union Address . “Join the community of conscience. Do the hard work of freedom , “ President Bush said. Well, hail to Jeanie for doing just that, and I regret that I have not had the conviction to get out there and be called an activist. Like so many Americans who did not join the Jeanies who were out demonstrating back in August, when Bush sent our troops to Saudi Arabia, I share the guilt for having our forces in the desert, along with the weaklings in Congress.

Indeed, we need to heed the President’s call and join that community of conscience. If we had been members maybe we would have opposed long ago our supplying the arms to Saddam Hussein that are now being used to kill and maim the pride of our nation.

In small private settings I hear many echo Jeanie’s feelings--yes, we support the warriors but we do not support the war. When we protest in public, as we must do to end the hideous, needless loss of life in that desert no-man’s-land, we are not being unpatriotic.

If we truly believe that this war staged to raise Bush’s ratings in the polls is wrong, then we must heed our conscience and change public opinion to end the needless loss of life we will have if the ground war commences.


I thank Jeanie Bernstein for wanting to make a difference; I thank Susan Christian for the article and you for giving it the front-page space it deserves.

Let’s give George the thousand points of light in the form of demands for peace now.


Huntington Beach
