
ANAHEIM : $200,000 Approved for Monorail Study

The City Council on Tuesday approved spending $200,000 to develop plans for the long-discussed Anaheim People Mover, a futuristic transportation system that would link the Disneyland area, the Convention Center and Anaheim Stadium.

The agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates of Orange is the first phase of a three-part study and the first step toward building the $200-million monorail-style system.

The council unanimously approved funding the study.

“We’ve talked about this for a long time,” said Councilman William D. Ehrle. “If it’s financially feasible, it will be a great asset to the city.”


The five-month study will outline potential routes and stops along the proposed 6- or 7-mile track.

The study will also examine the people mover’s potential ridership and how the system could best meet the needs of both tourists and commuters.

Additionally, consultants will research how to pay for the project and hold community meetings to discuss it. The city plans to establish a 24-hour hot line for questions and updates on the project.


City officials envision a system similar to the Tomorrowland-style monorail that Disneyland operates, and the entertainment company may link its own system to the city’s.

After the initial phase is complete, the city is expected to continue with the next phase, a seven-month, $500,000 study, and a final phase to seek contractors and evaluate the environmental impact.
