
Timely Images : “Wedding in Galilee,” a 1989 film by a Palestinian director, has an anti-war slant.


After taking off the day of the Super Bowl, the Ojai Film Society will be back in action Sunday with a presentation of “Wedding in Galilee,” a Belgian/French production from 1989.

The movie is about a Palestinian father, important in the community, who wants his son to have an elaborate traditional wedding, only to have a curfew instituted by the Israeli governor hamper the plans.

Permission for the wedding is eventually granted, but with a major provision--that the governor and his soldiers be guests of honor. The film looks at the interactions between the Israelis and the Palestinians during the wedding, with an anti-war slant. Palestinian director Michel Khleifi won the International Critics Award for this film.


It will be shown at the same time and place as the society’s previous films: 4:30 p.m. at the Ojai Playhouse.

The Conejo Theater in Thousand Oaks will be on loan to Rotary clubs in the Conejo Valley next Thursday so that the groups can have a special showing of the film “My Left Foot.” Proceeds will benefit United Cerebral Palsy.

“My Left Foot” stars Daniel Day-Lewis, who won an Academy Award for best actor for his portrayal of Irish writer Christy Brown, who was born with cerebral palsy. There will be showings at 6 and 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale now. Call 373-1568.


Look for “The Two Jakes,” the 1990 sequel to “Chinatown,” to hit the video stores in February. A portion of the film, which stars Jack Nicholson as a Jake, was filmed at Ventura City Hall.

If you don’t remember, the local filming of the movie caused some controversy. The filming process itself was criticized for disrupting City Hall operations and Nicholson made himself persona non grata when he turned down a key to the city. Local leaders were somewhat appeased when, through his secretary, he later agreed to accept the key. To top it off, no one from City Hall was invited to a preview of the film.

Speaking of motion picture filming in Ventura County--there hasn’t been any of late. In fact Brady Cherry, director of Recreation and Community Services in Port Hueneme, said this is the slowest it’s been in his city in the last couple of years.


Moorpark received a couple of permit requests recently, but they fizzled. One group requested the use of High Street and the other asked for access to Moorpark College. Don Reynolds, a management analyst for the city and the guy who must approve all permits said, “They wanted to use a video camera at the college to simulate a home-video presentation in a courtroom.”
