
An ad for a seminar, titled “99...

An ad for a seminar, titled “99 Ways to Meet Someone New,” caught the eye of David Carcary of Santa Monica. Tips are promised on how to find “that special someone” if “you are interested in commitment.” Carcary notes that commitment-seekers are offered a very L.A.-ish discount.

The fee is $25 for singles, but only $30 for couples (feuding or otherwise).

The other day this space carried a photo of a Long Beach dentist’s sign that said, “We cater to cowards.” David Kaye of Playa del Rey called to say that his dentist, Dr. Robert Nolan, appeals to a different clientele (see photo).

“I am a dental chicken but not a coward,” Kaye declared.

List of the day:

Few communities undergo such change when the factory whistle blows as L.A.’s industrial cities. Only a relative handful of families live in them.

1. Vernon’s population figures are an estimated 45,000 in the daytime, 152 at nighttime.

2. The City of Industry’s figures are about 65,000 daytime, 152 nighttime.

3. Irwindale’s figures are 30,000 daytime, 1,050 nighttime.

Sixty years ago Wednesday, the Los Angeles Theater on Broadway opened, displaying such amenities as a restaurant, a soda fountain and a soundproof “cry room” where mothers with babies could watch the film. The occasion was the premiere of Charlie Chaplin’s “City Lights.” Chaplin’s personal guests were Professor and Mrs. Albert Einstein.


Georgiana Francisco of Beverly Hills and two acquaintances all own 1988 Honda Preludes that were burglarized in identical fashion recently: Only the seats were stolen.

“What’s going on?” Francisco said.

We asked one car salesman. He disclosed that, in the last year, his dealership had sold “20 to 30” Preludes whose seats were subsequently stolen. Apparently, once thieves get the knack for one model, they stick to it. But why seats?

“My theory,” he said, “is that they’re sold to wrecking yards and junkyards and then resold to insurance companies as replacement parts. If a car is more than a couple of years old, most insurance companies will only replace stolen seats with used ones.”


Caught in this vicious cycle, Francisco is demanding new seats from her insurance company. “I don’t want to be buying back my old seats,” she said.

Which reminds us . . . Brad Johnson of Santa Monica saw a Honda Prelude in a parking lot that bore this antique bumper sticker: “President Nixon: Now More than Ever.”

Well, we were speaking of unseatings.


The championship dairy cow whose silhouette appears in the 34-year-old L.A. County seal was named Pearlette.
