
The Region : New Head of Water District

Randell Vogel, a water company executive, has been picked as president of the seven-member Three Valleys Municipal Water District, which distributes water throughout the eastern San Gabriel Valley and the Pomona and Walnut valleys.

Vogel, who represents his community of Rowland Heights and parts of the City of Industry on the board, replaces William H. Koch of Pomona.

“This is a critical time for anyone to assume this position, due to the continuing drought,” said Vogel, the chief operating officer of Suburban Water Systems in La Puente, “but it is also an opportunity for innovative and resourceful thinking.”


Other officers elected earlier this month are Vice President Muriel O’Brien, who represents Claremont and La Verne; Secretary Bruce Milne of Glendora and Treasurer Robert Armstrong of Pomona.
