
Man Given Additional Sentence for Lewd Acts : Courts: A truck driver, now in prison, lured two Van Nuys 9-year-olds into his camper and videotaped the girl during sexual activity.


A man already in prison for committing lewd acts with children received an additional 1 1/2-year sentence Thursday after being convicted of luring two Van Nuys children into his camper and telling them to fondle themselves while he videotaped them.

John Edward Teichrow, 42, a cross-country truck driver who lived in his camper in a Van Nuys parking lot, was sentenced by Los Angeles Municipal Court Commissioner Barry Kohn after pleading no contest to misdemeanor counts of child molestation and possession of child pornography.

Kohn ordered Teichrow to serve the additional sentence after he completes a six-year prison term for his conviction last year on two counts of lewd activity with a child. In that case, Teichrow was linked to incidents in San Bernardino, where authorities said children had been lured into his camper and videotaped in sexual activity.


The Los Angeles case was a spinoff of the San Bernardino investigation. After San Bernardino police identified Teichrow as a suspect last year, Los Angeles police arrested him May 22 in his camper in Van Nuys. Officers said they found 36 videotapes depicting about 100 children appearing to range in age from 5 to 9, some of them shown unclothed and masturbating.

By identifying structures and other landmarks seen in the videos, Los Angeles police determined that Teichrow had used a zoom lens to film children, without their knowledge, in a bathroom and a playground at a private elementary school in Van Nuys.

Deputy City Atty. Tracy Webb said the charges on which Teichrow was sentenced Thursday stemmed from another incident in which he lured two 9-year-olds, a boy and a girl, into his camper by giving them $1 each.


Teichrow then attempted to persuade the children to fondle themselves while he videotaped them, Webb said. The boy refused, but the girl complied.

Webb said an investigation of Teichrow’s activities is continuing and that she was pleased with the jail term he received for the two misdemeanors. “Every minute we can keep him in jail is a big victory,” she said.

Teichrow faces a third prosecution, this one in Yuma, Ariz., where he has been charged with three felonies in cases involving lewd acts with children, authorities said.


Webb said police agencies across the country have been notified about Teichrow in an attempt to identify the children in the videos.
