
Rapist Uses Pretext of Seeking Apartment


A man who has told women in the San Diego and La Mesa areas that he is seeking an apartment has been linked to a series of five sexual assaults that began in September, 1989, and includes the most recent attack last month.

Described as a white male in his late 20s or early 30s, of medium height and build with short dark hair and wire-rim glasses, the man has answered newspaper ads seeking roommates or asking whether an apartment is available.

San Diego police said they waited until now to warn women of the problem because they could not positively link the five cases.


“Not until the last (sexual assault) did they feel strongly” that the five were linked, Lt. Jerry Moody said.

“It’s tough to link the assaults when they occurred in two different cities,” he said. “We don’t want to put out false information. In some of these cases, we couldn’t say without a doubt that we thought it was the same person.”

In the first four cases, the man, who is estimated to be 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10 and between 160 and 175 pounds, forced his way into apartments with a gun. In the last instance, he had a knife.


Two of the sexual assaults occurred at apartments along West Point Loma Boulevard, two occurred in La Mesa and one occurred on Fieger Street in East San Diego, Moody said.

Sgt. Alicia Lampert said the latest assault occurred Dec. 7.

Police warned women Friday not to open their doors or invite anyone into their homes.

If they are responsible for showing apartments, the women are advised to have someone else with them.
