
Advocates for Poor Protest Wilson’s Welfare Remark : Budget: Governor is called insensitive after saying AFDC cut would leave recipients less to spend on beer.


Gov. Pete Wilson, trying to sell his proposed budget, said Friday that under his welfare cuts poor mothers still could afford rent, but would “have less for a six-pack of beer.”

In defending his proposal to cut checks by about 9% in the Aid to Families With Dependent Children program, Wilson also said the smaller grants would keep recipients from paying “top dollar to a slumlord.”

Wilson’s comments drew an immediate and angry response from welfare rights advocates and their supporters in the Legislature, who said the new governor was showing an insulting insensitivity to the plight of the poor.


The Republican chief executive made the comments at a press conference after touring a special-care nursery at Sacramento’s Sutter Memorial Hospital. He went there hoping to drive home his point that keeping pregnant women off illegal drugs is far wiser and more humane than waiting to treat the infants after they are born.

Later in the day, accompanied by city and county officials, Wilson opened the first gubernatorial field office in San Diego before going on to an inaugural celebration at the Convention Center.

Before cutting the red, white and blue ribbon sealing his office in the State Building on Front Street, he said, “It is high time San Diego had an official representative of the office of the governor.”


Some county and municipal officials see having the former San Diego mayor in the governorship as an opportunity to bring more funding to the area, and Wilson said after the ceremony that “San Diego will get its fair share.”

He said his San Diego office will give the people of the city access to the governor’s office and a place to resort to when they have problems. The governor also has offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington.

To start with, the office will be manned by Sandy Weintraub, who had worked for Wilson when he was in the U.S. Senate, and another person to be named next week.


The inaugural gala at the Convention Center--with music by the Beach Boys--was held Friday night.

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Wilson said he had mixed feelings about San Diego not being selected as the site of the Republican National Convention.

“As a San Diegan, I would have been proud to showcase the community,” he said, but he acknowledged the financial burden that the city refused to accept.

The hospital tour in Sacramento earlier in the day was the first stop in what is expected to be a series of campaign-style visits around the state during which Wilson will attempt to generate public support for his proposals.

“You’ve got to keep selling your program,” he told reporters after speaking with doctors in the nursery and stroking a baby that was born several weeks prematurely.

But Wilson’s advocacy of drug treatment for pregnant women was overshadowed by his statements on welfare. When asked about criticism of his proposal to reduce the monthly grant for a mother and two children from $694 to $633, Wilson at first mocked the comments of his detractors.


“ ‘Poorest of the poor, balancing it on the backs of the poor’--brand-new phrases, I’ve never heard those before,” Wilson said sarcastically.

The governor acknowledged that welfare recipients use most of their grant to pay for housing. But he said he believes they still have money left over for non-essentials.

“I am convinced they will be able to pay the rent, but they will have less for a six-pack of beer,” Wilson said. “I don’t begrudge them a six-pack of beer, but it is not an urgent necessity.”

Wilson said his proposed $225-million cut in Aid to Families With Dependent Children was necessary to pay for the preventive programs he touted all week in his inauguration address, his State of the State speech and his budget message to the Legislature.

“What you have in this budget when you cut the AFDC grant, you have prenatal care, you have programs that prevent drug use during pregnancy, you have preschool,” Wilson said. “You have a lot of things that are a lot more important than a six-pack of beer or providing top dollar to a slumlord.”

Wilson pointed out that he also proposed increasing food stamp allotments by $20 a month. Additionally, he embraced the Democrats’ proposal that welfare recipients be allowed to receive grants and health benefits for a time even after they find work.


The governor said he believes the state can be more effective by offering food stamps, preschool, health care and other services instead of cash grants because many welfare recipients are not able to manage their money.

“I am not convinced that people who are not capable of earning (a living) are best left with discretion to spend,” he said.

In response, advocates for the poor suggested that Wilson was naive to believe that welfare mothers have money to spare and insulting to declare that his cut would do no more than deprive them of beer.

“He has bought into the generalization that the poor have mismanaged their money, that they are not to be respected or treated as adults, that they have gotten themselves into a situation and they need a baby-sitter to help them,” said Grace Galligher, directing attorney for the Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations. “What he’s saying is that they don’t know enough to come in from the rain.”

The state expects to spend $2.2 billion next year in AFDC grants to an estimated 719,000 families.

According to federal government figures supplied by the Western Center on Law and Poverty, the current AFDC grant for a family of three--which is supposed to pay for housing, utilities, clothing, transportation, and some food--is below the cost of rent alone for a “modest” two-bedroom apartment in most of the state’s urban areas.


The $694 payment falls short of what it costs to pay rent in San Francisco, San Jose, Orange, Oakland and Los Angeles, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Wilson’s proposal to cut the grant to $633 would make the payment insufficient for rent in his hometown of San Diego, leaving only Sacramento’s housing prices still within the range of the poor.


These are the fair market rents as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for one- and two-bedroom rental units in seven metropolitan areas of California. The maximum monthly Aid to Families With Dependent Children grants are $694 for a mother and two children and $824 for a mother and three children. Gov. Pete Wilson’s budget proposes to cut the benefits by about 9% or $61 monthly for a family of three. In some cases, the federal government will pay the cost of rent that exceeds 30% of the family’s monthly income.

REGION 1-BEDROOM 2-BEDROOM L.A.-Long Beach $615 $715 Orange 701 826 San Diego 568 666 San Francisco 748 887 Oakland 625 736 Sacramento 448 536 San Jose 747 878

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Metropolitan Area Residential Area Rent Increases, Legislative Analyst, budget analyses, 1980-89.
