
Planners OK Subdivision

The Moorpark Planning Commission on Monday approved the subdivision of about 17 acres, located at the city’s northern boundary, into three parcels.

The city’s zoning for the area, which is south of Broadway on Walnut Canyon Road, allows one house per five acres. The property has two houses on it, Assistant Planner Craig Malin said.

“The subdivision is not being done to sell the property,” Malin said. “It’s really being done to legitimize two houses on one lot. Eventually, the property owner might sell off a parcel.”


The three parcels, two of five acres each and one of about seven acres, will not affect the city’s hillside ordinance restricting building on slopes greater than 20%.

“The topography matches the three separate parcels very well. Two of the pads are on completely level ground,” Malin said.
