
District Bowing to Union

In an unprecedented display of impotence, the Ventura County Community College District has yielded to the demands of the teachers union. The majority of teachers have expressly chosen to not join the union. Yet, the district will force all non-union teachers to pay union dues. That abdication of moral responsibility to the non-union teachers is reprehensible.

The only question is why the district would allow the union to fill its coffers with money from unwilling members. With the union now becoming far more powerful than in the past, it’s hard to imagine what new forms of student and taxpayer rape the district will concede next.

District administrators earn $70,000 to $80,000 annually. I would not have expected such a high-priced management team to betray 1,000 teachers who apparently have more interest in a quality education than the administration.




Chatenever is a heating and air - conditioning instructor at Oxnard College.
