
U.S. Readiness in Persian Gulf

In response to “Won’t Be Ready to Attack Jan. 15, Military Tells Bush” (front page, Dec. 26):

What has happened to our military? This is absolutely ridiculous and an unbelievable happening.

If Gen. Patton, Field Marshal Rommel or Gen. LeMay could read this, they would not only roll over in their graves but fly out of the ground! Where is our military readiness? We should be ready to fight in six minutes not six months. We have spent trillions of dollars in the past 20 years on readiness, the single most important element in any military force. I spent 20 years in the USAF Strategic Air Command and during this period all the tactical personnel, both air and ground, were only six rings from the telephone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ready to fight. I cannot imagine LeMay telling the President, “We’re not quite ready yet, sir.”


Let’s get rid of Saddam Hussein quick and fast without delay and debate. Let’s tell the press and public about it when it’s all over.


