
Salaries for Federal Officials Increasing

<i> From Associated Press</i>

The 102nd Congress convenes today with higher salaries from a massive pay raise for federal workers enacted last year with the support of President Bush.

The President will send his domestic agenda to Congress with his State of the Union address in late January; his fiscal 1992 budget is due Feb. 4.

The salaries of Vice President Dan Quayle, House Speaker Thomas S. Foley (D-Wash.) and Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist increase nearly 30% to $160,600. Rank-and-file House members will see their salaries increase from $96,600 in 1990 to $125,100 in 1991.


Federal district judges get the same boost, with appeals court judges getting $132,700 and associate Supreme Court justices $153,600.

The Senate passed up on the big pay boost to keep its income from speeches. The Senate salary will be $101,900, up from $98,400 in 1990.
