
There Aren’t Enough Draveckys Anymore

The sports pages are filled almost daily with stories of whining, multimillion-dollar-salaried baseball players, many of whom in another era would not have been worthy enough to put on the uniform of a major leaguer, let alone become one.

About the time one is ready to sour on the game for good, there comes another chapter in the heart-wrenching saga of Dave Dravecky (Dec. 7).

If we are to use attendance figures and those insane salaries as a barometer, the game has never been healthier.


Reality is, however, that types like Hall of Fame human being Dave Dravecky are fast disappearing from the scene. With their departure, one is hard-pressed to come up with a valid reason to maintain a passion for what is no longer “the Grand Old Game.”


Los Angeles
