What the Bible Says About Homosexuality
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Homosexual activists must be commended for their persistence. This persistence would be even more commendable if it were not driven by a deeply embedded pathology seeking public approbation.
First came the argument that persons who choose homosexual sex are born that way. This led to the prevalent myth that 10% of the population is homosexual (the California Department of Health has reported this figure at around 1.5%). Then we were told that homosexual sex is just like heterosexual sex in that every heterosexual does what homosexuals do. And now Marshal Alan Phillips (“Bible Doesn’t Say What We Thought It Did,” Column Left, Commentary, Dec. 3) attempts to pad their arguments even further.
Phillips states A) the Bible really says nothing about homosexuality, B) society causes homosexuals to be sexually promiscuous, therefore C) society is responsible for the spread of AIDS among homosexuals, D) homosexuals in general are capable of fidelity in a monogamous relationship, and E) society ought to encourage this fidelity by sanctioning homosexual marriages.
Phillips cites various authorities to support all these propositions. My point is that the pathology of homosexuality that so desperately pushes these souls to seek public approval for their activities may also be the driving force behind the conclusions of their oft-cited research.
Phillips states, “Constitutionally, gays should have the same right to privacy, personal liberty and social stability as non-gays.” I agree, and homosexuals do have these protections to the extent they allow themselves to have them.
Given their obsession to share their most intimate behavior with the public, it seems the “liberty” homosexuals are fighting for is the liberty of public effrontery.