Karpov Seems to Hold the Edge as 8th Chess Game Is Adjourned
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NEW YORK — The eighth game of the world championship chess match was adjourned Monday, and observers said challenger Anatoly Karpov had the edge on titleholder Garry Kasparov.
Play was to be resumed this afternoon, when Kasparov’s 41st move will be unsealed.
Kasparov had appeared to have an advantage throughout the game, but Karpov was one pawn ahead when the game was adjourned, and grandmasters said he had the better position on the board.
Kasparov conceded the seventh game Saturday, leaving the pair tied 3 1/2-3 1/2 in their $3-million showdown.
Here are the moves, with Kasparov playing white and Karpov black:
1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/Nd7; 10. d4/Bf6; 11. a4/Bb7; 12. Be3/Na5; 13. Bc2/Nc4; 14. Bc1/d5;
15. dxe5/Ndxe5; 16. Nxe5/Nxe5; 17. axb5/axb5; 18. Rxa8/Qxa8; 19. f4/Ng6; 20. e5/Bh4; 21. Rf1/Be7; 22. Nd2/Bc5+; 23. Kh2/d4; 24. Qe2/dxc3; 25. bxc3/Rd8; 26. Ne4/Ba3; 27. Bxa3/Bxe4; 28. Qxe4/Qxa3; 29. f5/Ne7; 30. Qh4/f6;
31. Qg3/Kf8; 32. Kh1/Qc5; 33. exf6/gxf6; 34. Bb3/Nd5; 35. Qh4/Kg7; 36. Rd1/c6; 37. Rd4/Qxc3; 38. Rg4+/Kh8; 39. Bxd5/Qa1+; 40. Kh2/Qe5+; 41. Game adjourned