4th Chess Match Game Is a Draw; Champion Kasparov Leads 2 1/2-1 1/2
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The fourth game of the world chess championship ended in a draw Thursday morning in New York City without resumption of play. The game had been adjourned Wednesday evening after five hours.
World champion Gary Kasparov leads challenger Anatoly Karpov, 2 1/2-1 1/2, in the best-of-24-game match. This is a record fifth match between the two rivals from the Soviet Union. Kasparov earned the title of world champion by defeating Karpov in 1985.
Wednesday’s game was another fierce struggle, the third in a row after a dull first game. As white, Kasparov adopted the Ruy Lopez opening, with which he had won the second game of the match. Karpov varied his defense at move 15, but the real surprise occurred at black’s 19th move. Using 53 minutes of his allotted 2 1/2 hours, Karpov chose a move previously considered bad for black. Kasparov offered several sacrifices to work up an attack against black’s king, creating a baffling position. But Karpov’s defenses held, and black appeared to be winning until a slip at move 39 let white escape with a draw. Kasparov sealed his 41st move, and the players later agreed to a draw without further play.
The fifth game is scheduled today. Here are the moves of the fourth game.
1. e4/e5; 2. Nf3/Nc6; 3. Bb5/a6; 4. Ba4/Nf6; 5. 0-0/Be7; 6. Re1/b5; 7. Bb3/d6; 8. c3/0-0; 9. h3/Bb7; 10. d4/Re8; 11. Nbd2/Bf8; 12. a4/h6 13. Bc2/exd4; 14. cxd4/Nb4;
15. Bb1/c5; 16. d5/Nd7; 17. Ra3/f5; 18. exf5/Nf6; 19. Ne4/Bxd5; 20. Nxf6+/Qxf6; 21. Bd2/Qxb2; 22. Bxb4/Bf7; 23. Re6/Qxb4; 24. Rb3/Qxa4; 25. Bc2/Rad8; 26. Rbe3/Qb4; 27. g3/a5; 28. Nh4/d5; 29. Qe2/Qc4;
30. Bd3/Qc1+; 31. Kg2/c4; 32. Bc2/Bxe6; 33. Rxe6/Rxe6; 34. Qxe6+/Kh8; 35. Ng6+/Kh7; 36. Qe2/Qg5; 37. f6/Qxf6; 38. Nxf8+/Kg8; 39. Ng6/Qf7; 40. Ne7+/Kf8; 41. Ng6+/Drawn.