
Controversy Over Cutting Aid to Israel

Buchanan’s tirade against American foreign aid to Israel and Eastern Europe is filled with flawed arguments and distortions of fact.

Foremost, American foreign assistance programs pay for our fundamental strategic interests across the globe, and are not handouts to beleaguered countries, as Buchanan would have readers believe. The history of U.S. foreign aid has demonstrated that considerable political, military and economic benefits are reaped from the U.S. contribution to the growth of democratic governments with stable and secure economies. It is clearly in America’s interest to support the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe.

It is also clear that the U.S. aid package to Israel remains one of America’s most cost-effective investments, paying for the protection of oil supplies to the West and free access to the region’s waterways. Even in the face of a waning Cold War, the threats of terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and Arab radicalism remain. America continues to benefit from access to Israeli military facilities and ports, intelligence sharing and Israeli testing and upgrading of U.S. weapons systems.


Finally, Buchanan’s argument is further weakened by his use of conventional anti-Israel propaganda. His blanket censure of Israel for the current situation in the territories, his exaggeration of the powers of AIPAC, and his claim that Israel intentionally attacked the U.S. intelligence ship Liberty, all demonstrate Buchanan’s shortsightedness when it comes to Israel.

Buchanan is correct that part of Sen. Dole’s proposal makes sense. He has, however, chosen the wrong part--the United States should support democracy in Eastern Europe. But this support must not endanger the future of the only truly democratic country in the Middle East.


Regional Director

Anti-Defamation League, Los Angeles
