
No-Coffee Policy Is One Drawback at Arts Center

I appreciated June Foley’s letter of Dec. 23 regarding the policy of not serving coffee at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

As Mrs. Foley states, the lack of coffee is but one of the compromises concertgoers have experienced. We have suffered midweek scheduling (a great difficulty with work schedules and freeway conditions), only occasional performances of the L.A. Philharmonic (an apparent money-saving move), a less-than-pleasant box office staff, enormous increases in ticket prices and poor acoustics (in our first-year seats, spoken words from the stage were indistinguishable).

We would be delighted to return to the Santa Ana High School auditorium, as would our friends, and to the more reasonably priced tickets, the splendid acoustics, the helpful, gracious staff--as well as coffee and cookies served at intermission.


In the meantime, how about a cup of coffee?


