
9 for the ‘90s : Be They 9 or 89, Individuals Harbor Strong Ideas About What the Future Holds : Positive Thinker

Kourken Alexander of Los Angeles arrived on Earth with the new century and now--in its last decade and with him at age 89--he has strong opinions on what is ahead.

“I have belonged to the North Hollywood Optimist Club for many years, and so I am a positive thinker. I believe that if you think positively, things will turn out positively.

“As always, I look forward to a new decade. I think we will see great advances in science, especially in the space program.”


Alexander, who came to the United States from Turkey in 1920, said Americans will continue to enjoy the trend of greater longevity because of further medical breakthroughs and continuing health consciousness.

Already, such is his optimism, that he stays in touch with the Burbank-based American Centenarian Committee. “In the 10 years ahead, people will find themselves being their own doctors as regards diet, exercise and sleep. For the last 20 years, I haven’t touched red meat--only eat fish or chicken. And I take vitamin and iron pills. I walk at least half a mile every day, and sometimes I run a little.”

On the other side of the ledger, the octogenarian said he thinks morality is on the skids: “Men and women from the younger generations live together without bothering to get married. Unfortunately, I see a further decline in family life.


“And this nation will go to the dogs if the younger generations don’t get some religion.”

On balance, though, Alexander sees a better life for Americans in the ‘90s. “God willing, see me in the new century,” he said.
