
Hot Line Set Up for Illegal Alien Reporting

In a bid to discourage itinerant workers in the community, the Topanga Town Council has set up a telephone hot line for residents to report suspected illegal immigrants and the people who hire them, a member of the council’s board of directors said.

Board member Pauline Rogers said that residents were being asked to call (213) 455-3000 to report incidents involving itinerant workers in Topanga, including the license plates of contractors and others who stop along Topanga Canyon Boulevard and elsewhere to hire them.

She said the effort aims to reduce the number of day laborers in the area, several dozen of whom are said to inhabit primitive camps in the Santa Monica Mountains that pose a fire danger.


U.S. Border Patrol officers arrested 41 illegal immigrants in Malibu and Topanga two weeks ago, although officials said only several were arrested at Topanga.
