
Forum Tonight on Hyperion

A community forum will be held tonight at Recreation Park in El Segundo to discuss a proposal by the Hyperion Treatment Plant to construct at least a dozen large processing tanks that will obstruct the ocean views of some homeowners.

Hyperion officials Saturday raised 50 large weather balloons about 100 feet into the air to demonstrate how views could be blocked by the tanks, which are being built as part of a project to increase the capacity of the facility.

The homes are on the bluffs directly above the sprawling plant, which is operated by the city of Los Angeles.


The demonstration prompted a group of El Segundo residents to organize a grass-roots effort to block the construction of the tanks, which would be 105 feet tall.

The forum, at 7 p.m. in the George Gordon Clubhouse, was called by El Segundo City Councilman Scot Dannen. The park is at 300 E. Pine St.
