
‘Good Work in Sacramento’

Common Cause wishes to extend its sincere thanks and appreciation to Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Sylmar) who, together with six of his colleagues, played a leadership role in the drafting of a comprehensive package of reform proposals designed to restore public confidence in state government.

As a member of the bipartisan Assembly Select Committee on Ethics, Katz had to make some unpopular decisions concerning the activities of other legislators. Through an extraordinarily open and deliberative process, the committee recommended to the full Assembly an exhaustive, thoughtful list of reforms: Eliminate honorariums, strictly limit gifts, prohibit the personal use of campaign funds--and much more. As far as substance, Common Cause gave them a grade “B.” The committee’s effort, however, deserves nothing less than “A-plus.”

Unfortunately, the recommendations were not fully implemented in either house. This should not lessen our praise for each committee member who, faced with tough decisions, made tough choices. They have provided for some restoration of confidence in the institution they serve, and have opened the door to a more responsive and effective Legislature.



Assistant Director

Common Cause

Los Angeles
