
Jury Acquits Randall Terry, 4 Followers

It was with relief that I read the verdict in the trial of Operation Rescue’s Randall Terry and co-defendants (Part I, Sept. 14): relief that the jury was not swayed by the hypocrisy of public sentiment (of those who) condemn the courageous actions of those who would prevent the unjust killing of unborn babies; relief that the jury was also not swayed by Los Angeles Municipal Judge Richard Paez’s apparent anti-Christian bias; relief that even those jurors who were pro-choice were able to set aside major philosophical differences in pursuit of justice.

The jurors may be criticized for deciding emotionally, but is that really a valid criticism? It is hard, if not impossible, for caring and thinking people not to react emotionally when they are first confronted with the ugly truths of abortion. That certainly does not mean the jurors lost their ability to reason. I have to applaud all 12 of them in their decision on what was surely a difficult case.


