
Investigation of Mayor Bradley

What a pathetic picture of Mayor Bradley during his defiant 40-minute television “exposure” trying to convince the public that he did not violate the public trust (Part I, Sept. 14). His reference to innuendoes and misconceptions sounded like a broken record, and tied right in with his “error in judgment” statement.

How can this man be gratified at the outcome, which was no surprise, when the city attorney said there is doubt about his truthfulness and by no means does the report vindicate his conduct. He is no doubt gratified that the city attorney could not put City Treasurer Leonard Rittenberg and his aides under oath, or force them to cough up crucial documents relative to Far East Bank as an outside committee would have done.

With no one under oath this investigation and its outcome is a big joke on the citizens of Los Angeles, and as far as I’m concerned, I hope this matter is not behind us. Just the tip of the iceberg smells bad.



