
A Homeless Shelter at Azusa Armory? No Thank You

A proposed idea for the homeless was (a shelter at) the Azusa Armory (Times, Sept. 7). Thank you, but no thank you. We do not need to be the drop-off station of the San Gabriel Valley for the homeless and the transients. Every city has its fair share of the homeless, and Azusa takes care of its own pretty well, with the assistance of the many churches in the community, and also with the good assistance of our fine city clerk, Adolph Solis, and his staff.

But as the holiday season approaches, our homeless problems are brought more out into the open, due to the cold, rain and hunger. The county is looking to the surrounding communities for assistance. The county should look at its own back yard first.

Many of the properties the county owns are not being used 100% of the time. A very good example is the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds. This property can be used to house a vast number of the homeless, with no problem, and at very little cost to the taxpayers. Personnel who already occupy the property can add a little extra duty of assisting these homeless people with food, shelter and clothing.


If I owned that huge amount of acreage, I would not hesitate to help the poor. After all, this could be a great tax write-off for the county. I urge the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, the people in charge of the L.A. County Fairgrounds, and the citizens of the communities to support this idea.

We need to help our poor and hungry, and this is a very good place to help them, unless certain politicians like what they see already, and choose to leave them out in the cold. L.A. County Fairgrounds, we know you have a kind heart.


