
‘Intervening in Ulster’

As an American and a Times reader, I am embarrassed to see your editorial writers complacently parrot British government misinformation about the current law passed by the California Legislature on the McBride Principles. This law would direct that the state teachers and public employees pension funds may be invested in companies which have businesses in Northern Ireland only if they do not unfairly discriminate against Irish Catholics.

These McBride Principles, named after the Nobel Laureate and founder of Amnesty International, are fair and workable. They provide a level playing field upon which Catholics and Protestants may work together. American investments should not help support the criminal, noxious, long-term epidemic of discrimination which has plagued Ulster and is the spark that has kept the war in the north going on for so long.

Gov. George Deukmejian, do the right thing and sign AB 2443 into law.


