
Westminster : ‘Safe, Sane’ Fireworks Banned by Council

In a 3-2 vote, the City Council this week banned the sale and use of so-called “safe and sane” fireworks. The ban is effective in 30 days.

The action, taken at a City Council meeting late Tuesday, now leaves only six Orange County cities that allow fireworks: Garden Grove, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Orange and Santa Ana.

Mayor Charles V. Smith was joined by council members Lyn Gillespie and Anita Huseth in supporting the ban. Opposing the measure were council members Joy L. Neugebauer and Frank Fry Jr.


Resident Cathy Zoellner, who fought the ban, has promised to circulate enough petitions to put the issue on the ballot.

“Banning the sale of safe and sane fireworks is not going to stop the bottle rockets and other illegal fireworks in Westminster,” Zoellner said.

“I don’t like being told by the City Council, ‘This is the way you’re going to celebrate your Fourth of July.’ ”


Zoellner said that in order to put the issue on a special election ballot next spring, she needs to gather about 3,700 signatures by Nov. 13.
