
The Nation - News from Sept. 13, 1989

Sixteen people were arraigned in International Falls, Minn., on felony and gross misdemeanor charges stemming from Saturday’s riot at a Boise Cascade Inc. housing camp for non-union workers. The Koochiching County Court clerk said all 16 remained in jail, along with six other people arraigned on charges ranging from rioting to arson to assault. Bail for the 22 ranged from $3,000 to $50,000. About 400 people set fire to vacant mobile homes, overturned cars and hurled rocks in the three-hour melee, which resulted in $1.3 million in damages. A dozen people received minor injuries. The demonstration was in support of some union workers who walked off the job at Boise’s paper mill expansion in mid-July to protest the hiring of non-union workers on the project.
