
Frito-Lay Plans 5th California Plant: Frito-Lay Inc....

Frito-Lay Plans 5th California Plant: Frito-Lay Inc. announced that it will build a snack chip plant in Modesto, its fifth in California and second in the San Joaquin Valley. The potato chip and corn chip manufacturer plans to break ground on a 200,000-square-foot site in Beard Industrial District next month, said Tom Brown, engineering vice president. A full line of potato and corn snacks will be made at the plant, which will employ 250 people when production begins in mid-1990. “The Modesto area offers us an excellent labor force from which to select the majority of our technicians,” Brown said. Frito-Lay recently opened a plant in Bakersfield and also has plants in Cucamonga, El Segundo and San Jose.
