
Prince Philip Arrives to a Royal Greeting

Mayor Tom Bradley and other local officials rolled out the red carpet Wednesday for England’s Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Prince came to Los Angeles to present the Churchill Award to former President Ronald Reagan, only the fourth person to be so honored, at a benefit dinner at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Wednesday night.

The prince, who is married to Queen Elizabeth, arrived aboard a Royal Air Force jet.

Upon arrival at Burbank Airport, he was greeted by Bradley, County Supervisor Deane Dana and Burbank Mayor Robert Bowne, who presented him with a key to the city. The prince last visited Los Angeles in 1984 to attend the Olympic Games.

Others who have won the prestigious Churchill Award--given to “individuals of exceptional accomplishment who exemplify the values and standards associated with Winston Churchill”--are the late diplomat W. Averell Harriman, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Texas industrialist Ross Perot.
