
Local News in Brief : Bullet-Riddled Body Found Near Freeway

Homicide investigators were trying to determine the identity of a man whose bullet-riddled body was found Wednesday near the Antelope Valley Freeway west of Acton, authorities said.

The body was found about 9:45 a.m. by Caltrans employees working on a dirt road south of the Agua Dulce Canyon Road off-ramp from the northbound Antelope Valley Freeway, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department spokesmen said. The man had been shot several times in the head and upper torso, authorities said.

The man appeared to be in his 20s, Los Angeles County coroner’s office spokesman Bob Dambacher said. It was not known how long the man had been dead, but the body had not decomposed, Dambacher said.


An autopsy was to be performed today or Friday, he said.
