
Local News in Brief : Contract Awarded for Burbank Mall Project

The Burbank City Council has awarded a $2-million contract to the Glendale-based Moulder Brothers construction firm to open the remainder of the pedestrian Golden Mall to automobiles.

The mall, closed to traffic in 1967, is being opened in the hope of invigorating the city’s downtown region, officials said.

The construction firm, which was awarded the contract Tuesday, will open three blocks of the mall along San Fernando Boulevard from Olive Avenue to Magnolia Boulevard. Three blocks of the mall from Verdugo Avenue to Olive Avenue were opened in 1987.


Officials said construction is scheduled to begin next month and will be completed by October.

Merchants have applauded the opening, saying the mall’s closing hurt business. They said allowing automobile traffic on the street will attract more shoppers and encourage other businesses to locate in the mall.
