
Monterey Park : Hearing on Higher Fees

The City Council will hold a public hearing Monday on a proposal by the city manager, who has suggested extensive revamping and increases in fees for such services as dog licenses, library fines and building permits.

If all the fee increases are approved, City Manager Mark Lewis said, the city could increase its revenues by $600,000 annually.

The increases, Lewis said, would help cover the city’s operating expenses. The city, Lewis said, has been using some of its reserve funds to meet its budget.


In many cases, Lewis said, fees have not been increased in six or seven years. Lewis wants to institute an annual review of fees. “I don’t think the city has ever done a consolidated review of fee schedules,” he said. “Most cities I’m familiar with do this on an annual basis.”

Under Lewis’ proposal, the city also would charge drunk drivers as much as $779 for the costs of responding to accidents they cause.

The hearing will be held during the council meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
