
Culver City : Pole Sign Law Strengthened

The City Council this week replaced an existing temporary ordinance on pole signs--typically found at fast-food restaurants and corner mini-malls--with a stricter interim ordinance drawn up by a citizens committee.

The new ordinance, effective immediately, permits only one pole sign per site and sets a minimum limit of 100 feet of street frontage for eligible sites.

No pole sign may rise higher than 20 feet, and the face of the sign cannot exceed 50 square feet. The signs must also be set back a minimum of 25 feet from interior property lines, and at least 50 feet from pre-existing adjacent pole signs.


The ordinance also sets aesthetic standards designed to prevent “attention-getting” features on pole signs, and includes provisions for City Council approval of pole signs that do not meet the ordinance’s restrictions.

The ordinance will remain in effect for 180 days while the citizens committee finishes a report on signs throughout the city and the committee’s findings are reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
