

<i> Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times staff writer</i>

Appointed Melinda E. (Mimi) Morris of Sacramento as assistant director of the governor’s Office of California-Mexico Affairs. A Republican, Morris, 25, has been an office assistant since 1988. The job pays $38,388 and does not require Senate confirmation. Will attend a California fire administrators’ conference in Sacramento on Tuesday and hold a ceremony honoring Asian-Pacific Islanders in Sacramento on Wednesday. Assembly Floor Action: Gambling: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 49-0 vote a bill (AB 110) by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Carson) to increase the fine from $1,000 to $2,000 for first-time convicted gambling offenders, but also allow them to do community service work instead of going to jail. Committee Action: Parental Leave: The Labor Committee approved a bill (AB 77) by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore (D-Los Angeles) to allow mothers or fathers to take up to four months of unpaid leave to care for sick, newborn or newly adopted children or seriously ill parents. A 7-2 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee. Minority Health: The Health Committee approved a bill (AB 1561) by Assemblyman Curtis Tucker Jr. (D-Inglewood) to establish a task force and state office to provide education on adverse health conditions and illnesses that are prevalent in minority communities. A 12-7 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee. Senate Floor Action: Workers’ Compensation: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 24-10 vote a bill (SB 47) by Sen. Bill Lockyer (D-Hayward) to increase the maximum workers’ compensation weekly benefit from $224 to $273 per week. Emergency Rooms: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 35-2 vote a bill (SB 307) by Sen. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) to appropriate $50 million from increased cigarette taxes resulting from voter approval of Proposition 99 to aid hospital emergency rooms and trauma centers. Public Utilities: Passed and sent to the Assembly on a 31-1 vote a bill (SB 53) by Sen. Herschel Rosenthal (D-Los Angeles) to require public utility holding companies and affiliates to obtain Public Utilities Commission approval before buying stock to try to take over another utility company. Committee Action: Bookstore Bombings: The Judiciary Committee approved a bill (SB 1704) by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) to increase the criminal penalty for bombing or burning a bookstore or library for terrorist purposes. A 9-0 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee. Fast Food: The Health Committee approved a bill (SB 1385) by Sen. Barry Keene (D-Benicia) to prohibit the sale of fast food prepared with animal fat, coconut oil, cocoa butter and palm oil unless wrappers list their use. A 7-2 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.
