
Cypress : Police Chase, Capture Suspect Fleeing in Car

Police and sheriff’s deputies chased a car thought to be stolen for several miles early Friday, then opened fire when the driver tried to run them down in a parking lot, authorities said.

The suspect, a 23-year-old Los Angeles man whose name was not immediately released, was taken to Long Beach Memorial Hospital for treatment of injuries suffered when the car crashed and for a possible gunshot wound, Cypress Police Lt. John Schaefer said.

The suspect faced possible assault charges for allegedly attempting to ram officers with the car, which turned out not to have been stolen, Schaefer said.


A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy tried to stop the driver about 2:30 a.m. near Atlantic and Alondra boulevards in an unincorporated area of the county near Compton because he believed the car was possibly stolen. The driver, who was alone in the car, fled with the deputy in pursuit. Compton police joined the chase, Schaefer said.

The chase lasted more than 10 miles and ended in Cypress when the driver crashed in a parking lot in an industrial area. The driver then put the car into reverse and accelerated toward the deputy and Compton officers, who fired several shots.

No officers were hurt.
