
Remembering Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball has given people much more than she could have ever imagined. Yes, even though she was a fantastic comedian and actress she seemed to be one terrific lady, too. Her presence exuded charm and style, one whose likes we may never see again. To turn on the TV and be able to see her smiling face could make even rainy days appear sunny.

I have loved Lucy since I can remember and so have my children. Being 36, I was weaned on Lucy and thought what great fun she must be. To love Lucy truly is to watch her movies, her shows and watch them over again. It seems each time we come away with a different angle on our perceptions of this truly remarkable woman.

No, I never had the privilege of meeting her and never have I even had a glimpse in person of her timeless face. But I tell you Lucy is etched in my mind and my heart and this has been passed on to my children.


Thank you, Lucy, boy do we miss you. We’ll never forget you, we really love you, Lucy.


Rancho Cucamonga
