
Manager Pete Rose, under investigation by baseball...

Manager Pete Rose, under investigation by baseball and a federal grand jury, said he is tired of being followed by crowds of television network film crews.

“I’m trying to figure out what they’re doing,” Rose said before the Cincinnati Reds played the Montreal Expos. “I get on a plane in San Diego and they’re shooting film. I get off a plane in Cincinnati and they’ve got another crew from CBS shooting me.

“After a game, CBS, ABC, NBC are all in here. CBS has been with me something like 68 days. How much footage do they need of a guy?”


When a reporter suggested to Rose that the crews were following him in case there is an announcement concerning the investigations, Rose shrugged and quipped: “If that’s the case, Kodak’s in good shape.”

The Cincinnati Post, quoting an unidentified source, reported that Rose met April 20-21 in Dayton, Ohio, with Washington lawyer John Dowd, who is handling baseball’s investigation. Dowd has told friends of Rose that if they do not cooperate with major league baseball, they could be forced to appear before the grand jury, the Post reported, without identifying its sources.
