
More Flexibility in School Choice Voted

New permit policies that will allow parents in the Los Angeles Unified School District greater flexibility to choose their children’s schools were unanimously approved Monday by the Board of Education.

The newly adopted policies expand the number of students eligible for transfers to schools closer to child-care facilities and for the first time allow transfers to district schools closer to where parents work.

The job-related transfers will be issued only to students whose parents work full time, can show proof of employment and have a note from their employer that gives permission for the parents to go to the school in case of an emergency.


Under the new policy, the child-care transfer permits can be renewed annually until a student finishes the highest grade at the school to which the transfer was granted, but parents will be required to verify each year their need for the permit.

Also included are guidelines to ensure that the transfers do not cause a school to become racially segregated.
