
San Fernando Names Ex-Mayor to Council

The San Fernando City Council on Monday appointed a former San Fernando mayor to replace Councilman Roy Richardson, who resigned from his post last month.

Doude Wysbeek, 50, was appointed by a 3-1 vote to serve the remaining 11 months of Richardson’s term.

The council opted to fill the term with an appointment, rather than conduct a special election for a position that would expire in less than a year.


Wysbeek served four years on the council, beginning in 1982, including a year-long term as mayor in 1984. He pushed for the construction of a police station and strict enforcement of building and safety codes in residential neighborhoods.

In an upset defeat at the conclusion of his mayoral term, he garnered only 556, or 12.9%, of the vote. He attributed the loss in part to his low-key campaign in a crowded race in which eight candidates competed for three seats.

Richardson resigned April 30 to care for his ailing wife. The retired San Fernando Mall merchant had been the town’s most popular politician for 11 years, receiving the most votes in three elections held since 1978.
