
War and Remembrance

Many thanks to Bob Sipchen for his article on those of us who still wear our MIA bracelets (“A Reminder of Vietnam . . .,” Feb. 13). It was very encouraging to learn that I was not the only one still wearing mine.

Mine says “PFC TIMOTHY OWEN, 6/29/68.” I have worn this bracelet for him since August, 1968. It never fails to cause wistful comment wherever I go. And to all those who ask why I still wear it, I patiently explain that he is one of those 2,500 still listed as missing, and that I will wear it for him until they find him. Period. (No, I do not know him personally.)

I have had to have it welded back together when it snapped in two from wear, and I have had to have it coated with silver when it turned black from exposure. But wear it I will until he comes back. As an American, it is the least of what I owe him.



Palos Verdes
