
A Role for The Times

Your editorial, “Not a God-Given Right” (Feb. 12) correctly states what appears to be the view of the vast majority of Americans. But isn’t it time for a newspaper such as yours to take a position on gun control and spell out in no uncertain terms why such legislation has not been enacted?

The National Rifle Assn. gives millions upon millions of dollars to the campaign funds of state and federal legislators, who in turn vote against gun-control legislation for fear of losing those easily obtained funds.

And the NRA, in its determination to prevent any type of gun-control legislation, opposes the ban of assault weapons, even though the only apparent use for them is to kill or maim human beings.


I, for one, think it’s time for the great newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, to take a stand on those NRA contributions and their acceptance by the legislators.

Start publishing the names of the members of Congress and the state Legislature who accept those contributions, the amount of each and how each voted on a gun control bill. Have your investigative reporters report on junkets paid for by NRA or gun manufacturers. Give publicity to Handguns Inc.--a Washington organization that sponsors handgun-control legislation.

The Times alone by proper reporting and editorials could get the anti-assault legislation pending in California passed and perhaps help return the NRA to its proper place--advising sportsmen on the use and care of hunting rifles and shotguns.



