
Students’ Picketing

It’s good to see our college students involved in current events since history has shown that they can have a significant impact upon public policy.

May I suggest, however, that the efforts of the UC Irvine Black Student Council in picketing the Long Beach Police Department in support of Don Jackson are misguided.

Black college students of today should not be as much concerned about police brutality as what is going on in the streets of our major cities. South Central Los Angeles, for example, represents the most violent of these areas with dope peddlers, assault and murder running out of control.


It is obvious that the police or government handouts are not going to resolve these problems. What should be tried is a return to the ghetto by the black middle class to present some positive role models to those that are interested in escaping the desperate conditions.

Perhaps the UCI Black Student Council, with appropriate police protection, could spend a few days a month picketing drug dealers and con artists. In addition, they might consider visiting the elementary schools of South Central Los Angeles to talk about the merits of a formal education.

The black middle class cannot escape its responsibilities!


