
Amnesty International Chapter Ban on Campus

I’ve not read even the big print of Amnesty International’s charter nor that of the Capistrano Valley High School, but I am a credentialed educator and card-carrying political scientist.

More, the Capistrano Valley High School officials may not have recently read these documents either and thus erred in denying students’ request for an Amnesty International on-campus chapter (The Times, Feb. 19).

But look. These worthy educative fellows have a point in their denial of the students’ request. What seems to be working here--as these officials perceive it anyway is fear, not education.


Speak “Amnesty International” with a sneer, a grimace; give a sidelong glance, and raise eyebrows, and my gracious, you’ll have a communist club right here on the campus. My word, you could easy get a bunch of white-hooded gents bearing flaming firebrands raging down on the school. Think of that.

One hopes the Capistrano School Board on March 6 will not permit Cotton Mather’s satanism to invade Capistrano High School. One hopes it will hearken to the voices of the students, will listen to its own dedication to human rights and free speech and will permit an on-campus chapter of Amnesty International at Capistano Valley High School. The American way? Yes.


Laguna Beach
