
‘Japan Seeks World Influence’

So “Japan Seeks New World Influence” (Part I, Feb. 3). “They are saying they want to be dealt in--they want to be consulted.”

OK, so Japan “is prepared to begin picking up substantially more of the price tag for economic and political aid around the world.” But, how about defense? Japan’s so-called defense budget is a spit in the ocean compared to the tidal wave of U.S. defense spending.

Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita has the gall to issue a demand that the U.S. reduce its federal budget deficit. This is mind-boggling when you consider that one big reason for our staggering federal deficit is due to the giant, lopsided U.S. defense budget as compared to Japan’s token contribution.


If Japan wants new global influence, the logical question is, are the Japanese willing to pay for that influence with a realistic share of the defense budget of the free world? If Takeshita wants the U.S. and Japan to “cooperate on more equal footing” in order to create a better world, then Japan must pay its dues and also “cooperate on more equal footing” in order to pick up its rightful share of the tab for the defense of the free world.

Then, when we get this logical concession from the Japanese government, let’s start talking to West Germany and a few other NATO allies.


