
Inglewood to Add 20 New Officers : Drug Busts to Help Pay for Police

Times Staff Writer

Inglewood, a city that has fought crime with some success in the past, will have 20 additional police officers on the streets by summer.

And until revenue from a new tax assessment district becomes available at year’s end, drug dealers will help foot the bill for the new officers under a funding scheme worked out last week by city officials.

The additional officers will come aboard during a period when statistics indicate that the city has experienced a decrease in violent crimes and an increase in property crimes.


Although Inglewood voters overwhelmingly approved the property tax assessment to fund a $1.4-million, 20-officer task force against gangs and drugs in November, the assessment will not go into effect until the new fiscal year begins July 1. Revenue will not be collected until the end of the year.

$45 a Year

The assessment will cost the owner of a single-family home about $45 a year. Apartment buildings will be assessed on a sliding scale beginning at $53 a unit. Commercial properties will be assessed on the basis of frontage.

The City Council on Feb. 7 approved the financing scheme for the immediate hiring of new patrol officers, who will replace veteran officers being assigned to the task force. The city will soon borrow about $649,000 from its water fund to pay for salaries, hiring and equipment.


That loan will be repaid with funds that the city is owed by the federal government for property and assets seized by Inglewood police during drug busts, officials said. As a result of a new federal law that allows money and assets seized from drug dealers to be turned over to police departments for anti-drug operations, the city expects more than $683,000 in such reimbursements.

“This is a great idea, making the drug dealers pay for it,” said Councilman Anthony Scardenzan, a longtime proponent of more police officers. “I love it.”

The new officers will increase the 187-officer department by more than 10%.

Trained Officers

The new police will include trained officers transferring from other departments and Inglewood residents being sought in a recruitment drive, officials said. Ten will be hired in March, three each in April and May, and four in June.


Because some of the newly hired officers will have to be trained at police academies and in the field, the anti-drug task force of veteran officers probably will not reach full strength until August, Deputy Chief Robert Gavney said.

The plainclothes “crime suppression” task force, as it has been named, will consist of 17 officers, two sergeants and a lieutenant. It will fight street-level drug and gang activity throughout the city.

City and police officials are enthusiastic about the beefed-up police presence. Capt. James Butts said the unit will provide a new show of force in areas where gang members congregate and intimidate residents. The task force will work with the department’s gang intelligence unit in targeting gang members, he said.

“We’re going to do all it takes to fight the perception of crime levels, as well as crime itself,” Butts said. “When we have all the officers hired and in place, there should be a greater perception of safety.”

Decrease in Crime

Although gangs and drugs are still a problem, crime has declined since the beginning of the decade, when Inglewood had a bad reputation.

“The key thing is that we have this downward trend through the decade,” said Michael Easley, a police crime analyst. “The overall trend is down.”


Statistics released by the Police Department recently show slight decreases in violent crimes against people--murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault--in 1988. Burglary declined as well, but property crimes--grand larceny, auto theft, arson and petty larceny--increased.
