
National League Gets 1st Black President

From Associated Press

Bill White today was named to succeed A. Bartlett Giamatti as National League president, becoming the first black to head a major professional sports league in the United States.

White was picked Thursday by the five-man search committee and was elected unanimously by NL owners today during a conference call. He will take office on April 1, when Giamatti succeeds Peter Ueberroth as commissioner.

White was given a four-year contract.

“It is certainly a great honor and a culmination of a career that began when Chub Feeney signed me to my first major league contract with the Giants,” White said. “It is an honor to replace the man who replaced Chub as league president. I hope to carry on the traditions of Bart Giamatti and the other league presidents.”


Feeney was on the selection committee that picked the new president.

White was a six-time All-Star first baseman with the New York and San Francisco Giants, St. Louis and Philadelphia, and a broadcaster with the New York Yankees for 18 years. He joins American League president Bobby Brown as former players who rose to head their leagues, the first time two former players have held those jobs simultaneously.

“I am delighed with the selection of Bill White,” Giamatti said. “He is a baseball man with the highest integrity and very borad experience and will make a splendid president.”

White was not considered for the NL presidency until about 10 days ago, when he was contacted by Ted Jadick, who is with a “head-hunting” firm out of New York and Chicago.


Hall of Famer Hank Aaron, an Atlanta Braves vice president and baseball’s top black executive, was pleased with White’s selection.

“Quite naturally, I’m very happy,” Aaron said. “I don’t think they could have found anyone more qualified than Bill White. Bill White is a baseball man. He knows baseball. There will be nothing that will be a surprise for him.”

Earlier story, Part III, Page 1.
